Getting Started

I'm very excited as many peeps have expreesed intrest in getting involved with DogMotoSports. I hope to have a more complete series on how to in the near future but for now I've provided some training videos I have done with some of my dogs and other tips and ideas on this page. Please feel free to go to any of my social media pages (links are above) to ask any questions. MUSH ON!

Step 1 - Harness Selection

Harness selection is first based upon how you want to tether the dogs to the vehicle you want to run them on.  Then decide if you want to run them DogMotoSports style which is more like resistance work or if you want them to do more traditional style work. It's a good idea to mix the work with resistance and traditional but the harnesses are designed for only 1 kind of work so you will need multiple style harnesses and equipment.That's something you can do later and a good goal to set, but starting with one style is just fine. 

On the side using a Springer like dog device you will need a single center point of a harness design. If you are running the dogs out in front using a Mushing Bar or similar type device that you tether the dogs at 2 points you will need a Roading Style harness. There are variations and different styles of all these harnesses but these are the ones I have the most experience with.  Please visit my Harness page for more information. Also please visit my Harness/Collar equipment page for additional links for purchasing. 

Step 2 -Vehicle Selection

On my equipment page (CLICK HERE FOR VEHICLE EQUIPMENT PAGE) you will find a bunch of links to manufacturers/sellers of vehicles that will be perfect for DogMotoSports! I have included 2 here on this page that are a great relatively affordable starting point. Keep in mind there are many other options I don't have listed here, this is just from my own personal experiences.

Dogs On Side

Addmotor Semi-recumbent trike

This is probably the most comfortable trike/bike I have ever ridden! I love it for working the dogs on the side. Keep in mind with almost any bike you will be fairly wide for most bike trails but I've done for many years you should be able to do it just fine, but need to be mindful of others and may need to ride on shoulders when available or pull over for others to pass. Gates or bollards will be tight but dogs will learn to squeeze in just fine. Bike should fit for most if not all gates and bollards even with Springer dog attachments. 

Dogs In Front