Modish Mush

Modern Day MUSHING! 

DogMotoSports is the latest most creative and important invention for working dog breeds in many years with the opportunity, for all dogs regardless of breed, size, or age to get involved with!

DogMotoSports are Electric powered bikes and rigs that dogs can be exercised with in a variety of ways depending on your goals, area, and time. Virtually no training is required and high energy breeds can be exercised properly, quickly and efficiently without spending hours on end trying to satisfy them or as I like to say (WooFDriver would say) “tucker them out”

(I’m) Bill “WooFDriver” Helman also known as the Dog Adventurer and have pioneered this whole concept of DogMotoSports and has proven it with multiple generations of Huskies constantly refining it and perfecting it for almost 30 years now.  This is something you have got to see to believe.

As the WooFDreiver  I travel the east coast of the USA with my Huskies doing DogMotoSports on trails, roads, beaches, and even in the cities! Check out the latest DogMotoSports video coming up right now!

All About DogMotoSports

What Exactly Is DogMotoSports?

Evolution Of DogMotoSports

Traditional MUSHING vs. DogMotoSports

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