DogWheels or TreadWheels

Like a Hamster wheel, but with a Dog in it:) Again, Professional mushers use these for their Dogs as an energy outlet again while not on a sled working. 

I’ve been fascinated with these for a long time and many years back, I had one of these wheels custom built for me. At the time it was very state of the art as  we had designed a peanut butter belt built into the shell so as the Dog walked on the wheel  this belt would move and therefore they could be constantly licking peanut butter!  This was to train the Dogs that were apprehensive about using the wheel so they could forget about what they’re doing as they were walking on the wheel, lol it truly was an ingenious design. The video shows the Hound Round by the guy who built it for me about 13 years ago!



Today there is a manufacturer making these wheels, so they’re not as crude, better designed and easier to have inside the house. I have just purchased two of them and I’m training my Dogs to use them now. By the way, all of these wheels are all Dog powered not electric. I like to use the wheels just as another way for keeping the Dogs in shape like the treadmills, but it offers the Dogs a different challenge and feel to use them. Again Huskies are highly intelligent, and the more we can challenge them with their mind and body the happier they are.